Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Humanitarian Disaster in Federation

Recent days have been busy. According to economical figures, there has been unusual price fluctuations in several product categories.

The blue ice can be found only from a few ice fields, all of which happen to be located in the Federation. It is a rare, precious substance which probably would be mined even if it didn't have any practical use. The pioneers and frontier explorers of the old ages noticed that this substance contains oxygen isotopes and came up with ways to take advantage of them as fuel. Gradually a whole industry was built upon this marvel of nature.

Gallente control tower is the best-looking space structure on the markets. It requires only little maintenance, allowing one to allocate more time to pleasure. As can be expected, the popularity of the Gallente tower is a direct consequence of its design. Its role in the economy cannot be underestimated. There is only one problem: it needs oxygen isotopes as fuel and their prices have now shot through the ceiling.

The origins of this setback have turned out to be unnatural. A brief scan through the subspace frequencies on Sunday produced numerous reports of miners losing their vessels and even pods as a consequence of intentional violence. A visit to Brapelille in Sinq Laison finally revealed the true extent of the onslaught: a group of pirates from the undeveloped wildlands had decided to eliminate the fundamental right of the ice miners to work and earn a decent living.

Thus, we are now witnessing a humanitarian and economic disaster. It is clear that the human costs of the tragedy cannot be measured in ISK but as always, the Federal government is doing absolutely nothing to stop the madness. Therefore, before the economic consequences of the disaster spread even more, the citizen of the Federation should join together and use all the means at their disposal to help. It is the only way to bring this crisis to an end.

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