Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Counter-Espionage Units a Success

A recently launched campaign to prevent leakages of confidential information and expensive wares has proven to be effective. The reports of suspicious activities are pouring in.

Surveillance Codename: A0H6R9

Key (Measurements): -Very Frequent (75-100% Occurance)
-Frequent (50-75% Occurance)
-Unfrequent (25-50% Occurance)
-Very Unfrequent (1-25% Occurance)
-Unoccurred (0% Occurance)
-Unknown (data recollection impossible or unaccessible)

The possible behavioural anomalies include:
-staying long times docked on the station: Unfrequent
-flying unusual ships: Very Frequent (Detail: unexpectedly began training skills concerning Minmatar tech in order to command vessels such as a Maelstrom/Hurricane, which the subject never trained for before)
-bumping to space objects: Unknown
-rapid increases in standings: Frequent
-talking to unknown people: Unoccured
-being silent in the corp chat: Very Frequent
-saying unusual things in the corp chat: Unoccured
-talking on other channel than the corp chat: Unoccured
-forgetting drones: Unknown
-undocking and docking in rapid sequences: Unknown
-jettisoning and leaving cans behind: Unknown
-frequent visits to low security space: Frequent
-fleeting with strangers: Unocurred

Other behavioural anomalies we might consider:

-Disappearing (logging out) at random and constantly: Very frequent

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Human Shield Project

The estimated economical losses of the blue ice conflict exceed 100 billion ISK. Passive observation and submission to external forces has continued long enough. Spreading the message is important but now it's time for action.

Resistance fleets formed out of capsuleers have been now patrolling the ice belt of Brapelille in Sinq Laison for almost a week. My personal logistics Osprey has been fitted with three large shield transporters, four small capacitor boosters with cap booster 75's and three photonic co-processors in high, medium and low slots, respectively. With this loadout I have been able to save three hulks just by repairing them remotely.

Originally, at the start of the operation, my loadout was different. After some consultation with the representatives of the local militia, it was immediate that it would benefit from several upgrades. The easiest way to complete the improvements was to go to the nearest trade hub in Dodixie. When I warped out, the defence side communications interface started flashing. The CONCORD forces seemed to be leaving the ice field.

It was apparent that the perfect timing for an enemy strike was approaching. I did the modifications as quickly as I could. My Osprey was on her way back to Brapelille when the ice field began steaming with activity. High alpha damage ships were gathering around the hulks.

The attack began right when I was back on the blue ice field. I locked the victim's vessel and saw how quickly the shields were evaporated, followed by the armor. When there was only 5% of the structure left, I was close enough to activate my reppers and boom the shields went back up again. The hulk was able to warp gloriously back to the safety of a station, the defence side began celebrations and the CONCORD vessels arrived on the site. The disaster had been avoided, but only by a narrow margin.

Many of the defenders have been successfully employing jammers and some even guns. It's all perfectly legal after the global criminal counters start running. Many miners with relatively low level of combat training have been able to destroy dozens of seasoned null-sec space veterans during this campaign. I see this as an excellent opportunity for any recent graduate of the Federal Navy Academy to add some bling to his/her combat record without breaking the rules of the organized society.

As a conclusion, although the opposition may be strong and the fight is biased against you, even a civilian can do much to help. If people don't give up and remain united against the challenges they're facing, the spirit of resistance will stay alive.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Humanitarian Disaster in Federation

Recent days have been busy. According to economical figures, there has been unusual price fluctuations in several product categories.

The blue ice can be found only from a few ice fields, all of which happen to be located in the Federation. It is a rare, precious substance which probably would be mined even if it didn't have any practical use. The pioneers and frontier explorers of the old ages noticed that this substance contains oxygen isotopes and came up with ways to take advantage of them as fuel. Gradually a whole industry was built upon this marvel of nature.

Gallente control tower is the best-looking space structure on the markets. It requires only little maintenance, allowing one to allocate more time to pleasure. As can be expected, the popularity of the Gallente tower is a direct consequence of its design. Its role in the economy cannot be underestimated. There is only one problem: it needs oxygen isotopes as fuel and their prices have now shot through the ceiling.

The origins of this setback have turned out to be unnatural. A brief scan through the subspace frequencies on Sunday produced numerous reports of miners losing their vessels and even pods as a consequence of intentional violence. A visit to Brapelille in Sinq Laison finally revealed the true extent of the onslaught: a group of pirates from the undeveloped wildlands had decided to eliminate the fundamental right of the ice miners to work and earn a decent living.

Thus, we are now witnessing a humanitarian and economic disaster. It is clear that the human costs of the tragedy cannot be measured in ISK but as always, the Federal government is doing absolutely nothing to stop the madness. Therefore, before the economic consequences of the disaster spread even more, the citizen of the Federation should join together and use all the means at their disposal to help. It is the only way to bring this crisis to an end.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Community Uncovers Spies by Banding Together

The strength of a community is reflected in how well they can work together to reach their objectives. However, a growing corporation is often subject to hostile derailing attempts. It would be foolish to assume that any corporation is completely immune to well-conducted espionage. This conclusion has been agonizingly present since the most recent elections.

To address this concern, Gallente Independent Progressive Alternative has opted to implement an organizational reform. The starting point of the reform was the following announcement.

Respected members,

In recent history, careless attitude has brought down major corporations. The monetary losses have been estimated to reach hundreds of billions. Often the damage has been irreversible - the unfortunate victims have not been able to recover from the economic and mental losses. Their fleets will never fly again. Infiltration and espionage are a concern not to be taken lightly.

It is obvious that many organizations of note are interested in our party. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that they are more than capable of destroying us - they have resources to pull off complicated undercover operations. As a consequence, if we wish to continue to pursue our own goals and not to succumb under the rule of outsiders, we have to keep our eyes open and be prepared. We have to be clever.

Today I have the pleasure to announce our new organizational reform. It is designed to fight this eminent threat. We will introduce a new counter-espionage (CoE) management layer. The basis of this modern security measure is the concept of CoE unit, which enables us to fly safely and productively, without the constant threat of someone watching over your shoulder. The practical details of this arrangement will be made clear later.

Safe and profitable flying,

Bastian Valoron, Chairman of GIPA